After resolving an unfortunate technical problem that prevented me posting for a while, I’m keen to be a bit more present on this here blog, so if you’re reading it, hello! I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions most of the time, but I hope there will be more content for you in 2024. Here’s a couple of things happening right now.
I’ll start off with a little plug for my photography, which you can also access using the Wall Art link on the sidebar. I’ve uploaded lots more things recently, and I hope there’s plenty for people who want some nice images to hang up. Mainly they’re views of Scotland, and a fair few railway themed pictures, but I’ve been to various other places too, and here’s a few highlights.

Riverside Museum, Glasgow

Stirling Middle Signals

Cloud Gate, Chicago

Gorton Bothy, Highlands
I’m about to start writing my next column for The Idler magazine, and it’s about the most excellent Clay Pipe Music. I was lucky enough to meet up with owner Frances Castle in London last month, and she generously shared three great albums with me. The label’s releases are full of atmosphere, and you’ll get something new out of every listen. Frances is an artist who designs all the sleeve art herself, and Clay Pipe releases are always a pleasure to own.
The Idler has a January sale on too, so do check it out!
How is your 2024 going so far? I saw in the new year, as I often do, at the Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway, with my son, on a Black Bun Special. Black Bun is a traditional Hogmanay delicacy in these parts, and it’s served with coffee on a steam train. Nice combination!

Finally, I’ll plug the excellent I Was A Teenage Fundamentalist podcast. It’s been going for some time and they’re up to about 90 episodes now. I’ve only got as far as episode 19, but I’m eagerly playing catch-up. The two Australian guys who run it are laid-back, friendly, welcoming, and very thoughtful in their reflections on what extremist Christianity does. Very engaging, thought-provoking, and often very funny.